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Technical and Production Director
Carlos Prieto González (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). As a professional in the sector, you can be accredited through the creation, direction and production of the following projects that materialize consolidation, quality and excellence:
Sound Atlantic Festival - Sixteen interrupted years of this multidisciplinary festival that takes place in a unique enclave, such as the Botanical Garden of Discovery in Vallehermoso, La Gomera. Excellence materialized in the union of the environment with the most innovative artistic expressions together with Canarian popular culture. An indisputable sign that the decentralization of culture is possible.
Encounters at Sea Festival - Sixteen interrupted years of this festival that has built bridges between cultures, people, spaces and sensibilities. An agenda of discoveries with a horizon set on trans realities and cultures: their contexts, spaces, claims and rights. A festival that has held activities in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Gomera or El Hierro.
Encounters in Evil Festival - Two editions of this festival of transculturalities. Commitment to dissidence and diversity of cultural experiences, identities and expressions through different cultural activities of a multidisciplinary nature. A festival that has held activities in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote.
Festival Encuentro Cultura y Derechos Humanos - Two editions of this festival focused on Human Rights and held in La Laguna, Tenerife. The first edition was dedicated to slavery in the 21st century, "trafficking in human beings", the recruitment, transportation, harboring or reception of people, resorting to threats, the use of force or other forms of coercion, for the purpose of exploitation. The second edition dealt with freedom of expression in populations subjected to authoritarian regimes. Both appointments, from a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective.
Regarding the technical direction, we highlight the International Festival Canarias Artes Escénicas (CAE). Three interrupted editions of this project of Fundación CajaCanarias and La Caixa, which has entrusted its technical direction, production and logistics to us. An initiative that has covered the entire island territory in the last three years, with the performance of artistic companies of international prestige that display their most recent stage proposals.
Regarding international experience, we can highlight the production made for the Joven Orquesta de Canarias (JOCAN), made up entirely of fifty-three musicians from the islands, which was invited to go on a grand tour of China in December 2018. The role performed in this project was the comprehensive supervision of the production and logistics of the tour (20 days) in the cities of Shanghai, Jincheng, Taiyuan, Tianjin, Loudi, Shunde, Kunming and Zibo, the tour concluded in the first of these cities with a massive concert in the Shanghai Concert Hall.
He has completed studies in various areas of knowledge, including those related to foreign promotion, corporate social responsibility and disability, online marketing and the figure of Community Management, conflict management, the practical application of the Data Protection Law Personal, Occupational Risk Prevention in the workplace: ergonomics, and others more specific to the cultural field such as the financing of artistic-cultural projects for sponsorship and patronage, intellectual property in art and culture, as well as deepening issues related to the environment, such as photovoltaic solar energy, being relevant to indicate that he was responsible for quality of the ISO9001 (quality management system) and ISO 14001 (environmental management system) standards in companies in the cultural field. Finally, he is certified by the ACIISI (Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society) as a promoter (level 1) in innovation management.

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Avenida del Manzanares, 62 - 4D, 28019 Madrid
T. +34 606 988 601
Obispo Rey Redondo, 13, first floor, office 4
38201 San Cristobal de La Laguna Tenerife
T. +34 609 273 857
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