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Commitment to  Sustainability

In recent times, climate change has moved from being just a topic of scientific debate to other public spheres: the Kyoto Protocol or the Glasgow Declaration.

Global warming means: an increase over time in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and oceans; it usually involves human activity. Although we usually focus on temperature, global warming or any climate change can lead to changes in other variables: global rainfall and its patterns, cloud cover and all other elements of the atmospheric system. Global warming is not a synonym for the greenhouse effect, but the greenhouse effect is a consequence of global warming.


Communication objectives

  • To raise awareness and inform the defined target group about the implications of climate change.

  • To mobilise them to implement specific action measures.

  • Taking into account the determined proposal of this company to work on raising awareness in society of the effects of climate change.


Some interesting facts about global warming

  • According to the scientific community, global warming could wipe out a quarter of all plant and animal species on Earth by 2050. Species.

  • Studies show that the 1990s were the warmest decade in the last thousand years.

  • If all the ice in Antarctica were to melt, an absolutely aberrant scenario, sea levels would rise by about 12 m; a rise of only 6 m would be enough to flood London and New York.

  • The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere could double in the next 30 to 50 years.

  • In 1984 the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica was approximately 7 million km², today it is more than 29 million km2 (four times larger).

  • Indonesia is the country with the highest number of endangered mammals and birds: 128 and 104 respectively.

  • In the United States, only 11% of solid waste produced is recovered, and in Western Europe it is 30%.


Climate change is the biggest global environmental problem. It involves an increase in global temperatures of between 1.4 and 5.8°C, which is extremely serious for the sustainability of life on the planet.



  • Greenhouse gases, and mainly CO2, are causing climate change.

  • Most of the warming observed over the last fifty years is attributable to human activities, due to the burning of increasing amounts of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests and grasslands, which could otherwise absorb CO2.

  • This gas emission is due to the current energy model, which is based on fossil fuels (which when transformed into energy emit CO2) and which does not contemplate saving and efficiency criteria.



  • Humanitarian catastrophes.

  • Increase and spread of epidemic diseases.

  • Extinction of plants, animals and entire ecosystems.

  • Rising sea levels.

  • Increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

  • Reduction of food production.

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